18. oktober 2024

Covid19-injektionerne giver kræft….

On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane presents evidence that truthful science is being suppressed and highly expert scientists are being coerced to retract all negative findings of dangers relative to the C19 bioweapon shots, obliterating honest scientific work, and the highest ranked journals are colluding, making them all guilty of aiding and abetting mass genocide.

And they don’t want the public to see the proof that these bioweapon shots are inducing new cancerous growths and the return of previous cancers as more aggressive tumors.

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Noget tyder på, at vi foreløbig ser 500 % flere kræfttilfælde.

Det er skræmmende tal.

Det stopper jo ikke ved kræft. Det ser ud til, at flere andre meget alvorlige diagnoser er foranlediget af injektionerne.

Vaccinerne skader enzymer i cellerne, enzymer der sørger for at reparere “beskadigede” celler. Det øger risikoen for cancer – cancer er celleforandringer.

Og ja, også imunforsvaret beskadiges også varigt.

Pfizer stopped testing on animals because they kept dying? That’s not very reassuring :



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