21. januar 2025

Nu går de efter dine kæledyr – i kampen for at “mindste CO2”

Foto : Amy Humphries

Som skrevet tilbage i oktober i år, så er det næste, som WEF vil have, du skal skille dig af med : dine kæledyr!

For de påstår, at dine kæledyr bruger for meget CO2, eftersom deres mad er lavet af kød.


– Vil dét her mon få det sovende flertal op i gear? Når kommunen, staten eller din dyrlæge kontakter dig og fortæller, at Anton, Balder og Bella eller Musse skal aflives!?

Foto : Jonas Vincent

Dette er fra artiklen på NewsPunch :

WEF Wants To Slaughter Millions of Pet Cats and Dogs To Fight Climate Change.

The World Economic Forum has recently launched a controversial new initiative that will have animal rights activists up in arms.

The WEF, which has ordered mainstream media outlets to begin pushing the narrative, wants to introduce an international policy that would require the majority of pet owners to euthanize their animals.

The World Economic Forum is now calling for millions of cats and dogs worldwide to be slaughtered in an effort to reduce the “carbon pawprint” they produce as a result of eating meat.

CNN, always at the forefront in pushing the globalist agenda, has begun urging its viewers to starve their pets to death in an effort to combat climate change.

CNN published an article on their website recently entitled, “Our pets are part of the climate problem. These tips can help you minimize their carbon pawprints“. In the article, the liberal sadists at CNN argue that the meat-heavy diet of many household pets is causing planet-warming gases to be released into the atmosphere.

Responsible pet owners should trade in their best friend for a turtle for the planet. “Snakes, turtles and reptiles can have a really low impact,” CNN suggests.

Your kitty kat and pooch, CNN explains, are going to have to eat bugs just like you, assuming Klaus Schwab allows you to keep them at all in the future.

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